Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Square Peg

I know people who lock themselves and their children away in their homes rather than dealing with the complications that come with having a special needs child.  I have refused steadfastly to take that approach.   Partly because I am NOT a homebody.  Partly because I have other children without issues that need to live typical, full lives.  And partly because I figure that is the big, bad world my little guy must line in so he’d better get used to it.  My approach is: I will find a way for my square peg to fit into the round hole.
For the most part, I believe my approach has worked well.  It is not always the easiest for him, but he gets through it, and each time it is a little easier.  That is the point of all the therapy, isn’t it?
But sometimes I have to remember to back off and let him be who he is.
Recently, we went to the elementary science expo (pretty must a science fair where students work as a team to do various experiments as a school rather than individuals).  My older two children were both invited to participate—a pretty big deal.  Last year, my little guy did just fine.  This year, however, it was just too loud and too crowded.  It was a day that would be just too rough for him.  So, my husband took him out to the car to watch a movie while my older two participated.
It wasn’t ideal, but it was what he needed.  I’m not quite sure how to unlock the secrets of what makes it work some days (last year was louder and more crowded) and not on other days.  I’m not sure if there even is a secret.
We jut keep pushing through and hope for more successes than less-successful days.  I do know that if we don’t try, he will never find a way to be comfortable in the world he must live in.


  1. Hi ! Good to meet you. I am for the first time reading up on SID.

  2. I have always done the same with my little guy. He does better at outdoor events, like the zoo. However, he loves trains, especially steam trains, so we take him to see those too. Complete with ear protection. Some days he can handle it better than others. But then again, don't we all?
