I am excited!!
I had posted earlier that our elementary school is an inclusionary school. I’ve also posted on how much I volunteer. Well, those two things collided today. The librarian is getting a head start on next year’s book order; she’s making the wish list so when the funds come in, she can order. Let’s just see how much funding she gets in this economy though!
Anyhow… I was asked today, what books would *I* like to see on the shelves. Me. Little old me. I get a say. I get to pick some books that teachers and children will have access to. Yeah! Go me!
Of course, what do I pick? I quickly said Sensitive Sam. She went and hit one copy. Done. That was it. Sensitive Sam will be on the book shelf at our school next year. I told her I wanted The Autism Acceptance Book: Being a Friend to Someone With Autism. Done. Could it really be that easy? How about Taking Autism to School and Squirmy Wormy? Sure, why not?
Oh, how excited I was. I’m picking books, she’s pulling them up on the publishers page and ordering them. She isn’t even question it.
But (and there always is a “but”, isn’t there?), then I asked for Hartley’s Steiner’s (oh, do I LOVE her blog!!) This is Gabriel Making Sense of School. That was a no-go. Was it the librarian? NO! The publishers don’t carry her book! WHAT!?!? But how could this be? Our librarian did write it down and if it pops up, we’ll get it. In the mean time, it’s not coming to our school. Please, Hartley, get your book to those publishers!
But the other books… They are on the way. They will be here next fall. On the shelves. For kids to read. For teachers to read to the students. To help promote a better understanding for all. And that excites me!
What excites me even more, was I was told to think of any other books I might want on the shelves. Me. Little old me. I—I—get to pick some books. About my child’s issues. Things that might help. Him, and other kids. Go me!
What books would you add to the shelves—I can still add more.
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